kindness and strength during action make a good world
The living planet is the primary place of active lift and the only area which can be self regulated and promoted by it livingly

An Adapting Plan for Marketing of Environment Friendliness

Making a beautiful world means assisting the good, negating the bad, and fixing the mistakes, all in processes that are in line with the good world. Marketing this, or enticing it, to be done, is completed by marketing methods that use it's purpose in it's enticement, while it adapts in ways to make it the most optimal enticement communication. The reason this type of way of life is easiest and best marketed is because its goal is best. The best marketing messages are create while assuming the personas of the people to be enticed, so when striving to have those who act do so in ways that benefit the good worl, assume the deficits in their disparaging ways, and their positives which make them both of use in the work for a good world and their inhabitance in it. All of the others aspects which make the marketing message a success are included in its message and communication.

Creating a Better World, Safety and Security for a Good World, in Public Land and Areas, Private Homes, Publicly Accessable Businesses, Privately Accessed Businesses and Institutions, continuing document as of 2/23/2023 1. Promotion, life of ,and progression of the good beings 2. An insight in actions to world betterment and further actions in manner and progression of such 3. The courage, strength. and kindness to create a good world 4. Monitoring and positive actions by the good worldwide security, observation, investigation, and enforcement agency 1a. the choice to enjoy and use in life that which cannot be harmed, such as choosing vegetarianism, renovating for shelter intead of destroying nature, etc. 2a. at times this is in the goal of choosing an endeavor that improves the world and does not negate a good result in doing so 3a. good improvements can be small or subtantial, when result and created progress is positive and pure, and all are helpful 4a. the purity and strength to ignore greed and desires that negate and contradict positive actions of good beings, both of would be good workers, and detrimentors to remedied

The Good Endeavorous Free Beings group is an entity that makes good things in and of the world. · Creating healthy, enjoyable living areas · Being of the type that when working does not harm others or the environment · Conceiving, creating, and implementing safe and environmentally friendly work processes and assistive devices I am implementing a program that is part of the how/to's and concepts that will continue to be updated, in which I evaluate to accept ideas and capital to disperse for intents of completions of goals that have been prelimarily described above. . Anyone wishing to create and develop or work on a project that is of humane benefit, whether directly with people or animals, secondarily a benefit, or any humane improvement to the world, please call/text/e-mail so we can begin discussing, but I have a small amount I can contribute myself, however this amount would not likely be enough to fund any project aside from one that is digital literature, only at concept, or similar. Additional funding would be required for more/large projects at this initial step [update 6/14/2021]

A plan for rural community with versatile worker managing his properties and able to travel to outside distances -requirements for local would be sufficient land and equipment for training, innovation, fabrication, and agriculture -position of land parcels for this would be slightly separated -intents include keeping population density that of a riral area, improving as naturally as possible what is already there and salvaging what has gone into disuse. this may include inproving nutrition of current nature and improvement of terrain for both nature and activities,demolishing but salving materials and creating a natural terrain, restoring agricultural areas that have gone into use instead of plowing natural areas, creation of natural food growth areas for natural farming when feasible and becomes more advances, replacement of some natural plant with more advanced plants -sufficient local transportation, boroadcasting equipment, and when necessary, ability to travel far distances -some proposed ideas include vegetarianism, facilitating the intellectual advancement of animals, and a desire to promote good life and improvement
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World Betterment and Leadership Articles